I see a certain life for myself

3 min readApr 27, 2022


Whether you are a young person or you’re already in your middle age range like myself, you need to look at your future with positivity, and have a certain expectation,an outcome of some sort when you reach retiring range, rather than just letting your life pass by you.

Who is better to tell you what you need to do in your life better than yourself?

Nobody! you are the driver, the sun that shines every morning.

Is this quote something that you go by every time you wake up, if not than you should start dreaming about it, to make it a reality.

Life won’t wait for your laziness, it will just pass you like a high speed train and you won’t realize that it’s gone either only when it’s to late, or in the moment that you have a life changing crisis, which we all have at some point, but it’s really important you do something about it and not find comfort in your pain.

I see a certain life for myself

Many of us, we love life, but not because we are used to living but because we are used to loving, which in my personal opinion, love makes us Blind.

Blind from everything that we expect from life, Blind from our goals and our life expectations to be honest. Mostly men, we struggle doing something for our life just because we are so focused on our past “loves” and possible future ones that we forget to live, we forget to see our self’s something more than just a pleasure toy.

It’s harsh I know, but if you think about it it’s the truth.

“Don’t miss out on something that could be great just because it could also be difficult.”

Let it go!

Depending on what you want your life to look like in a few years it is necessary to become your best self, and be a person that can’t be disposed of easily, just because you bring so much to the table,others just can’t have enough of you.

“Don’t grieve. Anything you lose comes around in another form.”

I personally never got attached to someone after learning my lesson, which depending on perspective it can be either bad or a good thing, but I’ll tell you why it was a good thing for me and for the life ahead of me.

I’ve seen so many cases where people would give everything they had in a relationship, either material or sentimental, but the problem with that is if it doesn’t come from both sides then you must be able to see that, you cannot be blind and continue a path that gives you nothing but a life of insecurities and a life of no return.

Taking control over my life after my first harsh break up lead me to become some sort of a successful man, more things I wanted or had in plan gave me, more strength to carry on and build a future for those who deserved to be around me.

Concentrating on yourself might sound very self-centered, but it will help any person create balance in your life and set healthy boundaries with the people you love. As people grow and improve , they are able to realize their self-worth. Always make sure that no matter what happens, always try to put yourself first and keep your self-worth above that of others.

“The more you focus on yourself, the better you become”

At the end of the day, it’s you in the driving seat !

Stay safe and bet your life will change if you take the necessary actions to change it!

Love R.




Hi my name is Robb I’m a full time trader for a few years now, I enjoy reading and now writing articles that can help people in their pursuit for happiness.